Right now I am putting the finishing touches on a full length album called “Cowboy In The Sunshine”. I checked the timestamp on the first recording file I created. It said I started working on it about forty five days ago.
That sounded like a long time to me. So I thought about how many days I’d actually worked on it since I began. That number looks more like about two weeks.

So – how do you spend a month and a half working on an album for two weeks? Well… I’m about to tell you. Here’s a look at the process of making an album.
How To Record An Album
- Get stoned and play guitar for a few months with no plans to make an album
- Start recording ideas onto your iPhone
- Write out the lyrics and finish the ideas
- Forget most of the lyrics and ideas
- Stare at the wall contemplating the pointlessness of human existence
- Decide there is no point in ever releasing another album
- Watch Netflix and YouTube for a week or two
- Sit down in the studio and record a song in two hours
- Finish the song in one hour the next day
- Get stoned, listen to the song on repeat and cry for two days
- Lose interest in the album
- Repeat steps 8-11 until eight to twelve songs are done
- Start writing songs in a completely different music genre
- Vow to never release the songs you’ve recorded
- Stare at the wall contemplating the pointlessness of human existence
- Get stoned and listen to the album you’ve been working on
- Decide it’s the best thing you’ve ever done
- Mix the songs for a week
- Decide the album sounds terrible and vow to never release it
- Play around with the order of songs
- Come up with a title and start working on album artwork
- Consider selling all your music gear
- Finish album artwork and mixes
- Start the mastering phase
- Share the album artwork online
- Finish the mastering phase
- Upload the songs to streaming services
- Consider deleting the album and doing something in a different music genre
- Release the album
- Sell some copies, get some streams and make a video
- Decide releasing music is pointless
- Get stoned and play guitar for a few months with no plans to make an album
- Start recording ideas onto your iPhone
As you can see, the last two steps are the process starting over again.
It sounds funny and at this point I hope you are laughing. But this isn’t a joke. This is the real process I go through when I release anything.
Whether it’s an album, a blog post, a YouTube video or a damned coffee cup it’s a roller coaster of excitement and doubt from beginning to end. But at the end of the day – the thing gets released.
This album will come out. And very soon.
So if you’re ever working on something and you feel like it’s pointless and you want to quit before anyone ever sees it… please know that myself and a million other artists are right there with you. It’s called the creative process and it’s not easy.
In fact – I think I’ll just delete this blog post right now.
PS – I didn’t delete the blog post. But I did make it into a video.
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